ROF and 2030 Agenda

28 April 2024

In 2022, based on the input of the World Economic Forum's new geography of global risks, the ROF, under the leadership of the Environment and Health department, took important steps towards environmental sustainability by achieving Ecoevents-Legambiente certification. This recognition underlined our commitment to a more sustainable future and initiated a series of actions to reduce the environmental impact of the event.

Today, in 2024, we face a landscape where the ROF has translated its commitments into concrete and ambitious actions. Our Green Plan for this year reflects this determination and presents a series of initiatives focused on environmental sustainability.
The actions outlined for 2024 are diverse and focused:

1. Active community engagement: Through a public monitoring questionnaire, we aim to actively involve our community and make them an integral part of the continuous improvement process.
2. ESG balance sheet: We are preparing an ESG (environmental, social and governance) balance sheet for 2024, which will allow us to assess our impact on these fronts more comprehensively and transparently.
3. Reuse and creative recycling: In Magazzini Rossini, a project realised in collaboration with Pesaro 2024, we are promoting the reuse of sets and costumes, demonstrating that creativity can be an integral part of a sustainable strategy.
4. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of our actions The creation of the Internal Sustainability Assessment Board ensures continuous monitoring of our environmental performance, enabling us to identify areas for improvement at an early stage.
5. Renewable energy We are converting our electricity supply to renewable sources, demonstrating our commitment to a low carbon future.
6. Promoting sustainable mobility: We encourage the use of public transport.
7. Digitisation of activities: The gradual digitisation of our promotional activities reduces the use of paper and allows us to embrace new technological tools also for dissemination as is the case with ROF UP and the CTE SQUARE collaboration in Pesaro.