Inauguration of Salons Rossini

On Sunday 24th July at 9.00 p.m. at the Teatro Tiberini at San Lorenzo in Campo the first concert in the series Salons Rossini will be given, a group of concerts entrusted to pupils of the Accademia Rossiniana “Alberto Zedda” 2022, sponsored by the Fondazione Meuccia Severi, in homage to the celebrated, lively musical evenings in Rossini’s own home.  This concert series is an absolute novelty for the ROF, and springs from our desire to offer our own regular audiences the possibility of getting to know the surroundings of Pesaro better, and, at the same time, to bring Festival performances to unusual and evocative places.

The concerts will, in fact, be given in three precious venues in the Province of Pesaro and Urbino: San Lorenzo in Campo, named  “Paese della Musica” [Home of Music] and birthplace of the tenor Mario Tiberini, will offer a concert of selections of the more famous pieces from Rossini’s serious operas; Gradara – a place established as symbolical of love in Dante’s lines about Paolo and Francesca – will offer a concert of Love duets; and lastly, San Costanzo, for decades the home of theatrical comedy thanks to its historic theatrical festival Scenaridens, will hear arias from Rossini’s opere buffe.

Each concert will begin with an explanatory talk by the musicologist Andrea Parissi of the Fondazione Rossini.  After the concert the audience will be able to sample special refreshments based on Rossini recipes.

The initiative has been organized in collaboration with the Town Councils of San Lorenzo in Campo, Gradara and San Costanzo.  Admission to the concerts is free of charge, subject to the number of seats available.

The Concert Languire ognor così! [To languish thus for ever!], offering pieces from Rossini’s opere serie, will be given on Sunday 24th July at 9.00 p.m. at the Teatro Tiberini at San Lorenzo in Campo: Tianxuefei Sun (tenor) will sing Gernando’s aria “Non soffrirò l’offesa” from Armida; Maria Kokareva (soprano) will interpret Amenaide’s Cavatina “Come dolce all’alma mia” from Tancredi; Dave Monaco (tenor) will present Ilo’s Cavatina “Terra amica” from Zelmira; Maria Kokareva and Anush Martirosyan (mezzosoprano) will offer the Recitative and Duet for Amenaide and Tancredi “(Fiero incontro!) ….Lasciami: non t’ascolto” from Tancredi.  Elisa Cerri will accompany at the pianoforte.

The other two Concerts in the series will be held on Wednesday 27 July at 9.00 p.m. in the Corte d’onore of the Rocca di Gradara, and on Sunday 31 July at 9.00 p.m. in the Teatro della Concordia  at San Costanzo.

Published in : 21 July 2022