Waiting for Pesaro 2024

Pesaro 2024 is off to a good start. On Tuesday, January 24th the full audience at the Teatro Sperimentale welcomed the first official event of the path towards 2024, an appointment that was born under the sign of participation and involvement of the entire community. Daniele Vimini, deputy mayor, Agostino Riitano director of the Pesaro 2024 Capital of Culture bid, Silvano Straccini general director of Pesaro 2024, and Marco Perugini president of the City Council met with the stakeholders (cultural bodies and associations, universities and academies) who will be decisive at every stage of this journey to arrive at the final goal: working on a city that is not yet there but that we would like to create.
Representing the ROF alongside President Daniele Vimini was General Director Cristian Della Chiara.

Published in : 24 January 2023