The Festival continues its commitment to the 2030 Agenda

Since the beginning of last year, under the leadership of Ambiente e Salute, the Festival has made a commitment to improve the positive impacts of the event, both social, economic and environmental, while decreasing the negative ones as far as possible.
Based on the Ecoevents/Legambiente certification, which will be renewed for 2023, the Festival is committed to the following basic principles of sustainable development:
Inclusiveness: Inclusion of all subjects regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, income, nationality or any other form of discrimination;
Environmental Respect: Favouring a condition of balance and interconnectedness that allows human society to satisfy its needs without exceeding the capacity of the environment to regenerate itself by managing natural resources as well as possible;
Accessibility: Allowing and guaranteeing access to events and services to any person;
Legacy: Favouring a positive legacy of the event on the territory in the short and long term;
Transparency: Promoting the communication of information in a clear and honest manner.

Published in : 24 April 2023