The ROF strengthens its international relations

Only two weeks after the inauguration of the exhibition ‘Rossini Opera Festival in China: the Magic and the Mystery of Gioachino Rossini’, hosted until August 26th in the Shanghai underground, the Festival continues its non-stop activity of promotion and international relations: President Daniele Vimini and General Director Cristian Della Chiara were guests at the Haevichi Arts Festival, scheduled until 15 June on the island of Jeju (South Korea). The event features annual musicals, plays, and open-air performances, and is organised by the Korean Cultural & Arts Centers Association, an affiliate of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.

On the occasion of the move to Jeju, a cooperation and mutual promotion agreement was signed between the city of Pesaro and its cultural events and the International Conventional Center Jeju, directed by CEO Lee Sun Hwa. The Festival and the city of Pesaro have close relations with South Korea: in 2018, Pesaro and Daegu, both UNESCO Creative Cities for Music, signed a memorandum of understanding, on the basis of which they promote cultural exchanges and cooperation projects.
Jeju, a prestigious tourist destination for the entire Far East, is also the venue for important international events and will be involved in promoting Pesaro2024 culture and the arts through displays, exhibitions and conferences with a view to mutual growth of the cities and new cultural tourism.

Published in : 14 June 2023