The second Concerto al Museo

A second concert in the series Concerti al Museo [Concerts at the Museum] featuring pupils from the Accademia Rossiniana “Alberto Zedda”, taking place between the 5th and the 17th August at the Museo Nazionale Rossini.

These recitals for voice and piano make up part of the Festival Giovane 2023, a section of the Rossini Opera Festival dedicated to promising young singers, and have been organized in collaboration with Sistema Museo and the Fondazione Rossini.  Entrance is free of charge, subject to the availability of seats.

On Saturday 12th August at 11.00 a.m., the second concert in the series, Maria Rita Combattelli (soprano) and Andrés Cascante (baritone) will present pieces from La scala di seta [The silken ladder], accompanied at the pianoforte by Giorgio D’Alonzo.

Maria Rita Combattelli and Andrés Cascante will perform the Duet for Giulia and  Germano: “Io so ch’hai buon core”.  Maria Rita Combattelli will sing Giulia’s Aria: “Il mio ben sospiro e chiamo”, while Andrés Cascante will offer Germano’s Aria: “Amore dolcemente”.

The third concert in the series Concerti al Museo will take place on Monday 14th August at 12.30 p.m. and will feature Seray Pinar, William Kyle and Giuseppe Toia.

Published in : 10 August 2023