Green questionnaire: the results
Here are the results of the green questionnaire on the habits of our viewers during the Festival, on a sample of 110 people. The topics covered were sustainable mobility, recycling, plastic and paper use, and green communication.
Responses came from people in the majority age range of 26 to 30 years old, and 54 years and older, in almost equal proportions of male (50.9 percent) and female (48.2 percent). About 36 percent of the survey sample responded that they use the shuttle to travel to the Vitrifrigo Arena, while the remaining 64 percent use cars (shared or personal), cabs, or mopeds. At the Rossini Theater, however, 80 percent arrive by foot or bicycle.
When asked about digitization by virtue of less paper waste, 80 percent of respondents were in favor, although 11.8 percent said they still have some difficulty with technology.
About the production of waste during festival performances, half of the respondents answered that they do not produce any kind of waste, while the other half split between 20 percent who produce paper waste and about 23 percent who produce mixed waste.
On the penultimate question, 45.9 percent responded that they use a personal water bottle (of these, 9.2 percent have purchased and use ROF water bottles), a percentage that exceeds by almost 4 percentage points the slice of people who instead buy their drinks at bars
In conclusion, nearly 70% of respondents are interested in the green theme being more widely developed by the ROF information sections.
Published in : 30 September 2022