Waiting for Pesaro2024
On the eve of the Pesaro 2024 celebrations, on Sunday 10 December at 5. 30 in the auditorium of Palazzo Montani Antaldi, the Fondazione Rossini organises Rossini a Parigi, ovvero Il gran pranzo, a staged reading of the one-act vaudeville Rossini à Parigi, ou Le grand diner, written by Eugène Scribe and set to music by Édouard Joseph Ennemond Mazères, which pokes fun at the sumptuous banquet held on 16 December 1823, the most emphatic French gastronomic celebration of Rossini’s genius.
The introduction is by music historian Marco Beghelli, while the readings are by Antonio Boiano, Luca Cenciarini, Thomas Galli, Alessandra Paciotti, Mirko Rossini, Emanuele Savini, Le Voci dei Libri APS. Information: 0721 30053 – 33818 fondazione@fondazionerossini.org www.fondazionerossini.org
Published in : 26 November 2023