The third Salon Rossini
The third evening in the series Salons Rossini, featuring the pupils of the Accademia Rossiniana “Alberto Zedda”, sponsored by the Fondazione Meuccia Severi. This cycle of concerts, drawing inspiration from the famous, animated Salons at Rossini’s own home, offers our traditional ROF audiences the possibility to discover the old towns in the surroundings of Pesaro, at the same time bringing Festival performances to a new audience in unusual and evocative surroundings.
On Thursday 27th July at 9.00 p.m. at the Franciscan Cloisters, Mondavio, a concert will be given entitled Honneur au fin macaroni, Rossini’s musical banquet, with promising young singers of the Academy singing selections from Semiramide, accompanied at the pianoforte by Rubén Sánchez-Vieco:
Martina Russomanno will sing Semiramide’s Cavatina: “Bel raggio lusinghier”; Valerio Morelli (bass) will offer Assur’s Aria: “Deh,..ti ferma.. ti placa.. perdona”; Sabrina Gárdez and Saori Sugiymana (mezzo-soprano) will present the duet for Semiramide and Arsace : “Serbami ognor sì fido il cor”; Tamar Otanadze (soprano) and Valerio Morelli will interpret the duet for Semiramide and Assur: “Se la vita ancor t’è cara”.
In case of bad weather the concert will be given at the Teatro Apollo. Entrance is free of charge. Information: rof@rossinioperafestival.it
These concerts, which form part of the Festival Giovane 2023 series, a section of the Rossini Opera Festival dedicated to promising young singers, will be introduced by a short listening guide by the musicologist Andrea Parissi of the Fondazione Rossini and will end with a moment of conviviality.
The audience will be given free tokens to be able to obtain a theatre programme for the operas to be performed at the ROF 2023 at the entrance to the Vitrifrigo Arena.
This second edition of the Salons Rossini has been organized in collaboration with the Fondazione Rossini and with the town councils of Gradara, Cagli, Mondavio, Carpegna and Urbino.
The last two evenings in the series will be given, again at 9.00 p.m., on Sunday 30th July at the Palazzo dei Principi di Carpegna and on Tuesday 1st August at the Palazzo Ducale, Urbino.
Published in : 25 July 2023