ROF’s project for schools continues
We return with Crescendo per Rossini, the educational project now in its 13th edition organised by the Rossini Opera Festival and the Fondazione Rossini with the patronage of the Province of Pesaro and Urbino and the Municipality of Pesaro.
It was created in 2010 for primary and secondary school students, providing them with the necessary cognitive tools to listen to melodrama, a cultural heritage that specifically characterises our territory thanks to the presence of the G. Rossini Conservatory of Music, the Rossini Foundation and the Rossini Foundation. Rossini, the Rossini Foundation and the Rossini Opera Festival. Since 2017, the project has expanded to include the University of Urbino and the local Infant-toddler Schools. The 2022/23 edition was joined by 47 classes from 14 schools, for a total of around 1200 students.
Also as part of Crescendo per Rossini, we are scheduling the fifth edition of the Training and Refresher Course for Teachers promoted in collaboration with the Rossini Conservatory of Pesaro and the Liceo Scientifico e delle Scienze Umane “Laurana-Baldi” of Urbino.
Published in : 26 November 2022