ROF and 2030 Agenda
The Rossini Opera Festival is a partner of the Cantiere Sociale della Musica, a project of LiberaMusica, whose name is inspired by the experience of the Cantiere di Montepulciano and whose aim is to create events that bring together different realities, both geographical and ideological, to integrate environmental issues into cultural itineraries and events, and to involve the whole city and its inhabitants, large and small, in the idea of community.
The project is divided into three parts: the Cantiere ambientale (Environmental Workshop), an approach to music from an environmental point of view through the adoption of the project “StraTivari – Lo Stradivari di plastica” promoted by the Municipality of Turin, which has just finished in Pesaro; the Cantiere dei Diritti (Rights Workshop), Workshop course held from July in the Villa Fastiggi prison, using music as a tool to build relationships within the families involved; the Cantiere della Musica, an international summer campus for young people aged 10 to 18 from educational programmes inspired by the Venezuelan Abreu system of youth orchestras and choirs, which closed this summer in Piazza del Popolo with a great concert as part of CaterRaduno 2023.
Published in : 28 October 2023