Magazzini Rossini

26 December 2022

As part of the programme of activities for Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024, the ROF is working on a project conceived for the occasion entitled Magazzini Rossini. The Rossini Opera Festival will open its workshops to widespread creativity, adding new areas of contact with the city through languages other than music. The project will activate partnerships with various local associations engaged in the theme of recycling and reuse of materials.

The project is divided into two sections:
Phantoms of the Opera
Scenes, costumes, and props from 43 years of Rossini Opera Festival history will be revived in the contemporary world and will fill the public space through artistic interventions of urban reconfiguration curated by internationally renowned architects.

The ingredients? Here they are!
Scraps of costumes that become diary covers, stage floors that become basketball courts, props that become toys: these and a thousand other re-uses will give new life to discarded materials that from waste will become the protagonists of a new everyday life, with the aim of changing the function of use of objects and materials by meeting the challenges of environmental sustainability.

These are the objectives of the project: to raise awareness of environmental, economic and social sustainability; to ensure compliance with current environmental, health and safety regulations in the workplace; to involve stakeholders with sustainable participation during the event by ensuring effective communication of its principles; to promote a winning strategy with a view to reducing waste production; to promote the local economy and employment.